Hightower Creek Vineyards, LLC
Wineries/Vineyards, Distilleries & BreweriesWedding Venue
- 7150 Canaan Drive Hiawassee GA 30546
- (706) 896-8963
- (855) 682-4112
- (706) 896-4688
- North Georgia Winery
Hours: Mon-Sat 12-6pm, Sun 12:30-5pm. Closed Tuesday.
Jan-March 12-5:00pm. Closed Tues & Wed.
Driving Directions:
10 miles east (going toward Clayton) of downtown Hiawassee on Hwy. 76.
About Us
As a family winery and vineyard, we know the importance of food, friends and a sense of home. That's why we strive to create wines that reflect the people and places of the Blue Ridge Mountains. We se
Rep/Contact Info
Fred Myer
- Phone: (706) 896-8963